Tag Archives › Kylie Jenner

Before we go any further, let us remember that the Costume Institute Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art is not your average red carpet event. In my opinion, a Met Gala dress is a dress that is only appropriate for the Met Gala. You shouldn’t be able to wear it to any other black…

‘Modern Family’ Star Ariel Winter’s Kardashian Makeover Is Complete

Ariel Winter and Kylie Jenner have a lot more in common than just being 29 18-year-old starlets on hit television programs. With a newly programmed love for luxurious dark weaves, flawless contoured makeup and form-fitting ensembles, the Modern Family actress appears to be the latest teen darling indoctrinated into Kris Jenner‘s Academy for Oversexualized Youth In Search of Corporate Sponsorship and…
10 Things the Kardashians Resembled at Kanye West’s Fashion Show

1. A living diagram of Lil’ Kim’s immaculate features through the years. 2. The Real Housewives of The Island of Dr. Moreau. 3. Stranded migrants from the douchiest VIP room in Ibiza. 4. The jury at the 2017 AVN Awards at the Heidi Fleiss Resort & Casino in Parhump, Nevada. 5. Despicable people. 6. Survivors of a post-apocalyptic nuclear…
Kylie Jenner: 17 Going on … Drag Queen

She may just be a growing 17-year-old girl, but Kylie Jenner did her best to appear like an adult glamazon by donning fake tracks from her Kylie Hair Kouture weave line, long false eyelashes, loads of face bronzer, deep red paint on her curiously plump lips, makeup conturing to accentuate her underage breasts, a completely age-appropriate exposed black bra,…
Happy Birthday, Michael Jackson!

Michael JacKson would have been 56 today. The King of Pop’s legacy lives on with a new generation. #PrettyYoungThings.