Monthly Archives › September 2013
Kelly Osbourne’s Man — Oh Lorde!

The 1st Annual Rebecca Gayheart Drag Festival was held in L.A. yesterday, as celebuspawn turned Joan Rivers sidekick Kelly Osbourne showed off her pretty long haired vegan chef fiancé Matthew Mosshart at a British Airways event — while 16-year-old New Zealand pop star Lorde — aka Ella Yelich-O’Connor — sang her hit single “Royals” at a 98.7…
Madonna & Britney — The Ex Factor!

Madonna and Britney Spears have kissed and made up … with their former male lovers. The 55-year-old reigning Queen of Pop vogued for the camera with her first ex-husband Sean Penn at the premiere party for her visually gorgeous yet pretentious 17 minute “Secret Project Revolution” film in NYC on Tuesday, while the 31-year-old conservatorship…
Miley Cyrus — Die Antwoord Realness!

A topless Justin Bieber Miley Cyrus posed for the cover of Rolling Stone magazine and wound up looking as sexy as Ninja, the male singer of bizarre South African rap rave group Die Antwoord. I fink you freeky, gurl.
New Mom Kim K. Looks Amazing!

Just three months after giving birth to daughter North … Oh wait, it’s actually just Rob Kardashian‘s ex-girlfriend Adrienne Bailon at an event in NYC on Monday. Honey blonde weaves, caramel skin and bandage dresses can be so deceiving.
Penn Badgley Alert!

Spotted: Penn Badgley showing off his hairy chest and toned arms in Rome this weekend. His sometime lady friend Zoe Kravitz was there too. Yeah whatever. xoxo. via Just Jared
‘Flashdance’ … 30 Years Later!

Dust off those cutoff sweatshirts and leg warmers because it’s been 30 years since “Flashdance” made Jennifer Beals a household name by turning her into America’s favorite teen welder by day/dancer who puts on artsy fartsy numbers in a blue collar bar by night. To commemorate the anniversary, Beals — who looks fantastic at 49 —…
The 2013 Emmy Recap!

Things learned watching the The 65th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards: 1. The Emmys are so obsessed with death that Ryan Murphy is giving them their own “American Horror Story” season next year. 2. “Modern Family,” Julia-Louis Dreyfus and Jim Parsons need to take themselves out of Emmy consideration. You should be allowed two wins for…
Britney Spears — I’m a Zombie, Y’all!

As if Britney Spears‘ vacant eyes, limp moves and monosyllabic groans weren’t enough proof, the lyrics to her latest song “Work B**ch!” finally put to rest any debate as to whether the conservatorship wonder really is one of the walking dead. Now all those years of rockin’ lifeless weaves make sense.
Brad Pitt– The Drew Carey Makeover!

The price is right for Brad Pitt’s new look. The 49-year-old Mr. Angelina Jolie thankfully chopped off his long luxurious weave for a new movie and showed off his new cut in London this weekend. Believe it or not, the new flick is not a Drew Carey biopic.
Dina Lohan — What a Killer Mother!

Here’s Lindsay Lohan‘s birth mutha Dina Lohan — finally ready for her close-up — in this lovely mug shot after suffering some Friday the 13th bad luck by getting busted for drunk driving on Long Island earlier this morning — and Betsy Palmer as Jason Vorhees’ mother in the classic 1980 slasher flick “Friday the 13th.”…