‘Modern Family’ Star Ariel Winter’s Kardashian Makeover Is Complete


Ariel Winter and Kylie Jenner have a lot more in common than just being 29 18-year-old starlets on hit television programs.

With a newly programmed love for luxurious dark weaves, flawless contoured makeup and form-fitting ensembles, the Modern Family actress appears to be the latest teen darling indoctrinated into Kris Jenner‘s Academy for Oversexualized Youth In Search of Corporate Sponsorship and Branding.™

Prior to being kloned, Ariel and Kylie first crossed paths in their original human forms at the innocent age of 11, when both attended the same record release party for Selena Gomez and the Scene in 2009.

It’s amazing what nearly a decade in front of the cameras, a team of handlers, minimal parental supervision and a lot of, um, hard work will do to a gal.

Be forewarned, the revolution will be Snapchatted!

God bless us all.