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A major plot point in Jordan Peele‘s new horror blockbuster Us is the often ridiculed 1986 charity spectacle Hands Across America (HAA). For those that have blocked it out (or weren’t born yet), HAA consisted of over 6 million people joining hands to form a human chain from coast-to-coast for 15 minutes on Sunday, May 25th, 1986, in…

We are definitely in an era of peak reality TV. May the Lord open and make it all go away!
Jake Gyllenhaal — What a Tangled Web He Weaves

Sorry, I ain’t sorry. Luckily, it’s just for a movie … and I still would. #MyHusband
Prince Rogers Nelson – RIP

Sometimes it snows in April.
Chris Pratt’s Face Was Beat For the Gods at the MTV Movie Awards

Guardians of the MAC counter is more like it. Contour for your LIFE!

Where were you during The Great Thirst Crisis of 2016?
Criss Angel’s Weave Is Magic

It’s not an illusion, kids.
The 2016 Oscars

10 Things Learned Watching the 88th Annual Academy Awards: 1. It’s apparently absolutely acceptable to joke about the same topic for over 210 minutes. 2. Stacey Dash bombed so hard, the US should consider using her for ISIS drone strikes. 3. So even if you have the best of intentions & address a topic no one else…
Lana Del ROPER

Hipster high-priestess Lana Del Rey was giving us landlady sadness as she arrived to the Brit Awards in her best Three’s Company Mrs. Roper drag. #MuuMuuPrada.
Lady Gaga: H-H-H-Hatchet Face!

Fresh off her David Bowie SNL sketch at the Grammys, Lady Gaga once again used her on stage theatrics, but this time it was to give tribute to Hatchet Face from John Waters’ 1990 cult hit Cry-Baby. Mum mum mum mah. Watch the Golden Globe winner do her best walk walk fashion baby at the Marc Jacobs Fall 2016…