Monthly Archives › August 2014
Happy Birthday, Michael Jackson!
Michael JacKson would have been 56 today. The King of Pop’s legacy lives on with a new generation. #PrettyYoungThings.
The 2014 VMAs Recap!
Things learned watching the 31st Annual MTV Video Music Awards: 1. Sway is still fully employed … at least twice a year. 2. Nicki Minaj almost had the worst wardrobe malfunction of the night, second only to fashion fail queen Katy Perry. 3. A Groupon to DryBar does not a pop star make, MTV please…
Pick a Daddy: The Expendables 3 Edition!
Welcome to Daddy-palooza! The animatronics were on overdrive as The Expendables 3 stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, 67, Sylvester Stallone, 68, Mel Gibson, 58, Harrison Ford, 72, Wesley Snipes, 52, Antonio Banderas, 54, Dolph Lundren, 56, Kelsey Grammer, 59, and whipper snapper Terry Crews, 46, took to the red carpet at the film’s Hollywood premiere this week. So…