Monthly Archives › January 2016
Calista Flockhart — She’s BAD!

Cue the dancing baby! Apologies to Joseph Fiennes, but the only one white person who should be playing Michael Jackson really is Calista Flockhart. With similar luscious locks, flawless bone structure and minuscule waistlines, Ally McBeal was born to be the King of Pop. I’ve been Searching My Soul … for the woMan in the Mirror!
Gigi Hadid As Styled by ‘Roseanne’s Couch

Don’t tell Dan, but supermodel Gigi Hadid is giving you Roseanne Conner afghan blanket realness. Curled up on the couch is the new black.
Maybe We All Do Need to See ’13 Hours’

Jim from The Office is dead. Long live Jim from The Office. Emily Blunt you lucky beyatch, you!
The Golden Globes Trinity of Terror Is Complete

In the name of the Pia, and of the Madonna and of the Holy Gaga. Thanks be to the Hollywood Foreign Press. Amen.
10 Crazy Pre-Golden Globes Looks

With the Golden Globes this weekend, Hollywood will most likely play it safe for the show’s annual red carpet on Sunday. But on Saturday, it seemed the film and TV elite gave their stylists a much needed night off and were left to their own devices to attend the wardrobe & weave malfunction-palooza that was the Art…
Channing Tatum Serving FACE

Forget Beyonce, he’s all about the Lion QUEEN herself, Jocelyn Wildenstein. Meow!